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Omega Frequency

Transmitting End Times Truth

Filtering by Tag: Kingdom Intelligence Briefing

Episode 83 - Razing Hell in Babylon With Dr. Michael Lake

Join BDK and Dr. Michael Lake as they discuss how the Remnant Bride of Christ has been called and commissioned to overcome the gates of Hell. This week I’m excited to welcome back Dr. Lake to Omega Frequency. In previous interviews we have discussed how Satan and his esoteric societies have nearly fulfilled Nimrod’s dark directive to establish a world order based off of Babylon. Today this matrix of darkness has engulfed our planet. However, the Almighty will not allow the enemy to bring his “A” team for the final showdown without responding with His own. God is raising up people around the world that are shaking off their techno-sorcery induced, spiritual slumber and are answering Heaven’s call. There is an end-time empowerment coming for God’s Remnant! Join us and find out what it is. This is one broadcast you won't want to miss!

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Episode 50 - The Remnant: United We Stand With Special Guests Dr. Michael Lake and Sam Swanson

This week is the 50th episode…and we are talking about the Remnant! The Remnant is a called out body of believers who are not for sale, but are passionately pursing God. As members of the Body of Christ we each have a mission to fulfill using the talents that He gave us. We must learn that we can not do this alone. We must stand united for the cause of Christ! Join me for two powerful interviews. First Sam talks about the importance of being the property of God and not of the world. Then we talk about how to walk in obedience to our calling and the need to stand with others of like passion. We then make a major announcement concerning the Omega Frequency Podcast. Then in our second segment Dr Lake thoroughly discusses the remnant and their Biblical destiny in the end times. Make no mistake, we have been commissioned by our King for such a time as this! 


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Episode 34 - The Shinar Directive With Dr. Michael Lake

Did you ever wonder why Yahweh intervened at the Tower of Babel and stopped Nimrod before he could finish building it? Did the unfinished work of Nimrod restart again at the beginning of the 20th century? Have the Watchers returned to help finish Nimrod’s work? What does this mean for humanity in the 21st century? Join me as we answer these questions and more on this week’s episode.

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View A Kingdom Response – Part 1

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Biblical Life College and Seminary