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Episode 38 - Warriors of Light and Love with Chief Joseph and Dr. Laralyn RiverWind

This week’s episode features an amazing interview with the RiverWinds. The information in here is very eye opening. Yahweh's love for the people of The First Nations has a supernatural history you will have to hear to believe! You'll be floored at some of the pre-colonial revelations of Yahweh they bring up. The Native American oral traditions contain accounts that mirror the Biblical creation account, the flood, the giants of Genesis 6, the Tower of Babel, and even the birth and death of Yeshua the Messiah. We also talk at length about what Yahweh is doing amongst the people of the First Nations today and their end times prophetic destiny! 

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Purchase a copy of "That's What the Old Ones Say"

Native Touch - Go Natural! Go Native!

Check out NAMMA (Native American Music Award) winning music from the RiverWind’s musical ministry, The Blessed Blend! 

The song “Cedar’s Song” from the album “Whispers of the Trees” was featured during the introduction to the episode. 

The song “Tanama's Release (Butterfly's Release)” from the album “Journeys Through the Mist” was featured during the closing of the episode. 

You can purchase this music at either of the following sites:

The Blessed Blend

Digitally Download from CD Baby